Whole of Life Insurance… does what is says on the tin!
Whole of Life Cover is a life assurance policy that lasts for a whole lifetime and is not limited to a specific term.
What are the benefits of this type of policy?
If you pass away this policy will provide a cash lump sum payment to your family. This can be used to cover funeral expenses or for settling outstanding debts. In the event of a definite terminal illness diagnosis, the full life cover payment can be made straight away to the policy owner to help with ongoing bills and expenses.
It can also provide tax-efficient inheritance planning cover for your family once it is set up as a ‘Section 72’ life policy. They may be liable for inheritance tax which can be a massive burden at an already difficult time. Inheritance tax is payable to the Revenue Commissioners when the value of the assets inherited is higher than a certain threshold. Depending on the assets being inherited, they may need to borrow money or sell a part of their inheritance in order to cover a potential tax bill.
There are optional benefits that can be chosen when setting up the policy which are dependent on the provider you choose. For example, Royal London provide an option to include a Life Changes feature which means if you stop paying premiums after your policy has been in place for at least 16 years, you can receive a cash amount back or have a guaranteed amount of life cover remaining for the rest of your life.
How do I set up a policy?
Whole of Life cover can be taken out by anyone aged between 18 to 74 years and the cover is for the rest of their life. A financial advisor can help you determine the level of cover you need depending on your circumstances and your dependents. Once the application is accepted, you then pay a set amount on a regular basis which is usually guaranteed never to increase (unless you choose inflation protection/indexation as an additional option).
When you are considering the cover you need, you should take account of
• any other loans and bills
• the income your family will need to live on
• any funeral expenses
• any inheritance tax bill that may arise when you die
A sample quotation for a non-smoking couple aged 43 and 44, for Dual Life Cover of €30,000 each (including the Life Changes option as above, without indexation) works out at €66.51 per month.
(Quote as of May 2022)