Drumgoole Financial Services

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Opportunity knocks…

Recently a client who has a Mortgage Protection policy through my agency, missed a direct debit for his premium. This can happen for any number of reasons and is easily rectified. In this scenario there are usually two options; pay the outstanding premium or take out a new policy.

So, I gave him a quick call to let him know but just before I phoned, I checked my system to see if there was a better alternative available. I did a quick review and I was able to offer his family more cover and additional benefits at a reduced price.

The main reason for this is because at different times major life assurance companies will add benefits to policies and have special offers available to me as a broker that I can then pass on to my clients. This is particularly beneficial for clients of mine who have initially taken out their Mortgage Protection policy through a bank or went directly to a life assurance company. Quite often when I review policies that clients have taken with these companies, I can offer them more value for their money.

It is a very straight-forward process to apply for Mortgage Protection. I email an editable PDF application to the client and when I receive the completed application form back, I upload it to a system which sends the client a link to complete a digital signature. This is as simple as typing in your name and is a secure way of signing your application.

This digital application tool has been in the pipeline for some time, but social restrictions over recent months has pushed companies to make this option available now. So, although I may not be able to meet face-to-face, the option to complete an application has become a much easier process!